Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Revelation of the month.

"You will not despise my weak love

You will not deny me

You will not despise my weak love

You will not despise it

Cause You love me just as I am.

You love me just as I am.

You created me in my mothers womb

Just as I am

And even though my love is weak you will not deny it

For you will not, no you will not turn away a broken and a contrite heart

Cause Jesus, You died for me.

Jesus, You shed your blood for me.

And I believe that prayer you prayed

“Father I desire that those you gave me, my bride will be with me forever”

I believe it

I believe that prayer

I believe that is your desire

So I’ll keep coming back to you

Even in my weakness

I’ll keep coming back to you even in my brokenness.

Even in my weak frame

I am weak but my spirit is willing My spirit is willing to follow You

So come awaken love within my heart tonight

Come Awaken love within my heart tonight

I need your strength I need your grace to receive your love

So give me grace, give me grace to receive your love.

To keep coming after you, Lord

Give me grace, give me strength to love You rightly God

Give me grace, give me strength to love You rightly God

Give me grace, give me strength to love You rightly God

Cause my broken and contrite heart you will not deny"

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